Lake Huron is the second largest of the great lakes. It is bordered on the west by Michigan's lower peninsula, and by Ontario on the north, south and east. The Michigan side has no waterfalls of note, but there are several waterfalls in Ontario near or along the northern and north eastern shores of the lake.
If you were to circle lake Ontario, you would probably go through Sault Ste. Marie, so we can start there. Starting at Sault Ste. Marie, first visit Crystal Falls in the Hiawatha Highlands Park. This waterfall is also part of the Superior Waterfall Tour. Driving east 80km on Hwy 17 you will take you to Bruce Mines. From here, a 20km drive on forest roads followed by a 6km hike will take you the Lower and Upper Falls on the Thessalon River. The less adventurous can continue 25km east on Hwy 17 to Thessalon where they can find the small but scenic Little Rapids.
85 km north of Thessalon on Rte 129 you can find the large Aubrey Falls, the smaller but wilder Grindstone Falls and lots of beautiful scenery. Closer to Thessalon is the low and wide Bells Falls. Farther east along Hwy 17 you will find lots of small falls and cascades along the many rivers and streams carving their way through the Canadian shield. 120 km east of Thessalon near Massey you will find Chutes Provincial Park.
Another 30 km east of Massey on Hwy 17 you can take Hwy 6 south to Manitoulin Island, the largest island in Lake Huron. In fact it is the largest island on a freshwater lake in the world. Along the way you will pass the small Whitefish Falls, and on the island you can find Bridal Veil Falls and High Falls. There are also a number of rapids and small falls on the island.
West of Sudbury you can find Onaping High Falls, one of the biggest waterfalls near Lake Huron. The Lake Huron watershed extends far to the northeast, and according to the Geographical Names of Canada there are many waterfalls in this area. However many of them, like Sturgeon Falls just north of Lake Nipissing have been dammed, and little information is available about most of them, such as those on the French River and the South River. The impressive Duchesnay Falls is just west of North Bay on the north side of Lake Nipissing, and the private Wasi Falls is on the south east side of Lake Nipissing. The Lake Huron Watershed extends into the southwest corner of Algonquin Provincial Park. The source of the Oxtongue River is in the park, and just west of the park the river tumbles over Ragged Falls on its long trip to Lake Huron.
The Muskoka District is full of waterfalls, although many of them are dammed and/or on private property. There are still many falls worth seeing. A number of falls are centered on Bracebridge. High Falls, Wilson Falls and Bracebridge Falls are all on the North Branch of the Muskoka River, and Muskoka Falls is on the South Branch.
West of Bracebridge a number of waterfalls can be found along the rivers that connect the districts many lakes. Muskoka is known as "cottage country" due to number of summer homes found on it lakes. Skeleton Falls can be found along Hwy 141 in a deep ravine. Hatchery Falls is a few miles upstream. Rosseau Falls is on an inlet to Lake Rosseau. Many similar falls, such as White's Falls can be found along other lakes in the area. Moon Falls remains one of the wildest falls in the area. It lies on Moon River, which is the means by which Muskoka Lake flows into the Georgian Bay.
When you round the southern end of the Georgian Bay you will encounter the Niagara Escarpment and a number of its waterfalls in the Owen Sound area. Indian Falls, Jones Falls, Inglis Falls and Keefer Falls are all right around Owen Sound. Farther south you will find Walter's Falls, Hoggs Falls and the very impressive Eugenia Falls.
Beyond Owen Sound the waterfalls become few and far between. Up in the Bruce Peninsula there is all sorts of beautiful scenery. The shores of Lake Huron's Georgian Bay are quite spectacular. But there are not any waterfalls of note. Sauble Falls is some 50km north west of Owen Sound. Hwy 21 will take you a long way south along the shores of Lake Huron to Rock Glen Falls. Along the way you will pass a lot of farmland, some nice scenery, many sandy beaches along the lake, and the small falls at the Falls Conservation Area. Now you have a long drive along Michigan's Lake Huron shoreline back to Sault Ste. Marie. You will see lots of farmland, trees and beaches. You can also stop by to see Oqueoc Falls, the Lower Peninsula's only "major" waterfall.
All of the above falls empty into Lake Huron which empties into Lake Erie, which empties into Lake Ontario by means of the Niagara river and Niagara Falls.
This map shows some of the most significant waterfalls around Lake Huron

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