Ashland County WI, Iron County WI & Gogebic County MI WaterFalls

[Great Lakes] --> [Lake Superior] [Michigan] [Wisconsin]
Potato Falls Copper Falls Brownstone Falls Gorge Falls Manabezho Falls Potawatomi Falls Rainbow Falls Superior Falls Saxon Falls Gabbro Falls Morgan Falls Nawadaha Falls Peterson Falls Foster Falls Upson Falls Gile Falls Kimball Falls Manakiki Falls Powderhorn Falls Shining Cloud Falls Wren Falls Rouse Falls Houghton Falls

A large number of waterfalls can be found in Wisconsin's Ashland and Iron County and Michigan's Gogebic County along the Wisconsin/Michigan border. Some, like Gile Falls and Kimball Falls are very small, but several are very impressive, such as Brownstone Falls, Superior Falls, Gabbro Falls, and the Black River Scenic Byway Falls.

Not all of Gogebic County is depicted in the above map. A couple of small cascades can be found in the eastern part of Gogebic County not shown. These cascades and others can be found on this more comprehensive list of Gogebic Falls.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2008 16:01:11 MDT.

Waterfall Maps Page