Houghton Falls

May 2017

State: Wisconsin

Location: Washburn

Height: 20'

Crest: 8'

Water Source: Unnamed

Waypoint: 46.693195N 90.85780W

Summary: A low flow falls that is likely to be dry. Spring is the best time to visit. Above the falls is a very scenic glen that is pretty anytime of the year.

Houghton Falls is a low flow falls located just north of Washburn Wisconsin. The falls only flows after some good rains or when the snow is melting. However the dells area above the falls is very scenic, and worth a visit if you are in the area even if there is no water.

Reaching the falls is easy. From Washburn head north on Highway 13. Take a right on to Houghton Falls Road, about a mile north of town. It is signed. Continue another half mile to the Houghton Falls State Natural Area parking lot. It is an easy hike into the woods to the falls. You will first reach the dells. If there is no water here, you might not want to go any further. The dells are very pretty. The water has carved out a narrow little gorge, with overhanging rocks and trees.

If there water flowing, or if you want to see Lake Superior, continue down the trail another quarter of a mile. You can get a nice, partially obstructed view of the falls from trail. A railroad was built just above the falls, so the top of the falls now comes out of a culvert. It is not too hard to climb down into the gorge for some better views.

The falls is only a few hundred feet from Lake Superior. The trail continues to the shoreline.

Nearby Falls

The smaller Siskiwit Falls is just a few miles away. The seasonal Houghton Falls and its scenic glen are 25 miles away. Big Manitou Falls and Amnicon Falls are both within 70 miles to the west. Copper Falls State Park, Superior Falls, Potato Falls, Wren Falls and many other are within 70 miles to the south east.

Photo Gallery

Dry Dells, August 2011

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Last Modified: Saturday, 03-Jun-2017 08:23:59 MDT.

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