Bridal Veil Falls

May 2004

State: Michigan

Location: Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore

Height: 140

Crest: 10?

Water Source: Unnamed Creek

Waypoint: 46.50875N 86.5242W

Summary: This tall (by Michigan standards) seasonal waterfall is best seen from the water. It is one of the many sights on the Pictured Rocks boat cruise, which is worth while even if this falls has little or no water. It can also be seen while hiking along the shore.

Bridal Veil Falls is along the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, about 1.5 miles from Miner's Beach. It is a long slide that drops straight into Lake Superior. It is probably best seen from the water, although you can hike to it. According to the topographic maps the cliffs are over 160 feet high at the point the trail crosses above the falls. The falls slides directly into the lake for a total drop of at least 140 feet making this the tallest waterfall in Michigan.

In May 2005 there was no water going over the falls even though all the other waterfalls in the area were flowing nicely. In May 2006 there was some water, but not a lot. I heard that beavers have dammed the creek, reducing its flow.

[Lake Superior] [Alger County] [5 Mile Map] Nearby Falls

Miners Falls, Chapel Falls, Mosquito Falls, Spray Falls, and Sable Falls can also be found in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

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June 2001

May 2006

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 29-Dec-2009 15:32:12 MST.

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