Lake Huron WaterFalls

Niagara Falls Aubrey Falls Eugenia Falls Balls Falls Webster Falls Bridal Veil Falls Inglis Falls Chedoke Falls Chippewa Falls High Falls Hoggs Falls Chutes Rock Glen Falls Cataract Falls Hilton Falls Whitefish Falls Sauble Falls Kennebec Falls Crystal Falls Ocqueoc Falls High Falls Whites Falls Duchesnay Falls Wasi Falls Elora Gorge Falls Ragged Falls Brooks Falls Onaping High Falls Moon Falls Grindstone Falls Upper Thessalon Falls Obabika Falls

Lake Huron is the second or third largest of the Great Lakes, depending on how you measure it, and many waterfalls can be found along its northern and eastern shores. Here is a detailed description of some of the many waterfalls found in the Lake Huron watershed.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2008 16:01:31 MDT.