Swallow Falls

May, 2004

State: Maryland

Location: Oakland

Height: Two drops around 15

Crest: 50?

Water Source: Youghiogheny River

Waypoint: 39.49556N 79.4175W

Summary: This waterfall is the namesake for Swallow Falls State Park. The pictures on this site show the waterfall at high water. It usually has much less water. This is a low wide waterfall and may actually look more impressive in lower water. The higher and much more scenic Muddy Creek Falls can be found in the park.

Swallow Falls is in Swallow Falls State Park near Oakland, Maryland. Once in the park signs will guide you to the falls. This is low wide waterfall on the powerful Youghiogheny River (known as the "Yawk"). There are two drops, each around 15 feet high. The upper drop is the more distinctive of the two.

It had been raining heavily during my visit, so the river was quite swollen. I imagine this waterfall may look more interesting with less water. The real hilight of the park is the nearby Muddy Creek Falls.

Nearby Falls

The much more impressive Muddy Creek Falls is just a short walk away. The very small Tolliver Falls is even closer. Blackwater Falls and others can be found in West Virginia's Blackwater Falls State Park 30 miles to the south. The "Yawk" repeats this performance 60 miles downstream where you can find the Ohiopyle Falls on the Youghiogheny River and the more impressive Cucumber Falls falling into the gorge.

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