Ohiopyle Falls

August 2010

State: Pennsylvania

Location: Ohiopyle State Park

Height: 15

Crest: 150?

Water Source: Youghiogheny River

Waypoint: 39.86778N 79.49583W

Summary: This waterfall can be found in Ohiopyle State Park. This is a low, wide waterfall that looks best at medium water levels. The higher and much more scenic Cucumber Falls can be found in the park.

Ohiopyle Falls is in Ohiopyle State Park. This is a large park, but the falls are right in the center of it and hard to miss. This is low, wide waterfall on the powerful Youghiogheny River (known as the "Yawk").

This waterfall looks best in medium water levels. In high waters the 20 foot drop gets swamped, as can be seen in one of the photos below. On the plus side the waterfall is guaranteed to have water, unlike the other nearby falls, such as Cucumber Falls.

The falls are right next to a large parking area in the center of the park. There are several well established view areas from which to view the falls. For a somewhat wilder experience, hike along the Ferncliff Trail on the opposite side of the river.

This waterfall is also known as the Youghiogheny's Great Fall.

Nearby Falls

The much more impressive Cucumber Falls is a short distance away. The "Yawk" repeats this performance 60 miles upstream where you can find Swallow Falls on the Youghiogheny River and the more impressive Muddy Creek Falls falling into the gorge.

Photo Gallery

View from the Ferncliff Trail

View from the Ferncliff Trail

High Water, May 2004

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Last Modified: Friday, 10-May-2019 20:42:05 MDT.

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