Lower Falls of Enfield Glen (Treman Falls)

August 29, 2003

State: New York

Location: Robert H. Treman State Park, 6 miles south west of Ithaca.

Height: 30

Crest: 20

Water Source: Enfield Creek

Waypoint: 42.3974N 76.5612W

Summary: If you have the time, check out the entire Enfield Glen while visiting the very impressive Lucifer Falls.

The Lower Falls of the Enfield Glen is in Robert H. Treman State Park, on Route 13, south west of Ithaca. It is on the map and is easy to find. Some sites refer to this as Treman Falls, or Lower Treman Falls.

The Lower Falls are near the east entrance to the park at the mouth of the Glen. There is a swimming area at the base of the falls, complete with a diving board and life gaurd.

The 2 mile long gorge trail leads from the parking area by the Lower Falls, up the glen to an old mill at the top, passing Lucifer Falls and several small falls along the way.

The falls are clearly visible on Google Map's Satellite View.

Nearby Falls

Taughannock Falls, ButterMilk Falls, and I am sure a dozen other waterfalls are all within 15 miles. Hector Falls,Watkins Glen, She-Qua-Ga Falls, Eagles Nest Falls and probably a hundred others are within an hour's drive.

Photo Gallery

View from the South Rim

The Upper Glen

The Upper Glen

A Fall above Lucifer

The Fall on Fishkill Creek by the Mill

A Fall below Lucifer

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Last Modified: Saturday, 26-Nov-2011 13:51:52 MST.

Waterfalls Page