Lower Decew Falls

June 15, 2003

Province: Ontario

Location: St. Catherines

Height: 25

Crest: 20?

Water Source: Twelve Mile Creek

Waypoint: 43.11055N 79.26715W

Summary: This is a wild waterfall. Reaching it will take a bit of effort, but if you take the trouble of getting into the gorge to see the upper falls, you might as well make the effort to see the lower falls. Of course, one of the ways to the upper falls will take you past the lower falls anyway.

Lower Decew Falls is downstream of the upper Decew Falls. Reaching this fall takes a bit of work, as there are no real trails. However you get into the gorge, you will have to carefully pick your way along the creek. When the water is lower, it may be possible to just walk up the creek bed, but in higher water you have to find your way along higher ground.

[Hamilton Area] Nearby Falls

The Upper Decew Falls is upstream. By car, Niagara Falls is 20 minutes to the east, and Balls Falls and Beamer Falls are 20 minutes to the west.

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