Niagara Falls

State/Province: New York/Ontario

Location: Niagara Falls

Height: 183 (American Falls), 181 (Bridal Veil Falls), 173 (Horseshoe Falls)

Crest: 830 (American Falls), 56 (Bridal Veil Falls), 2200 (Horseshoe Falls)

Water Source: Niagara River

Waypoint: 43.07722N 79.075W

Summary: Worth a trip all by itself.

Not that Niagara Falls needs another website, but it really is an impressive waterfall. You should have no problem finding it.

There are three falls at Niagara, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls, and the Horseshoe Falls. Personally I would consider the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls just one waterfall, but that is just me.

If you get tired of watching the falls, head downstream to Whirlpool Park and wander around in the gorge. You can get right down to the rocks and up close to the water.

Here is what Niagara Falls looks like from the sky, thanks to Google Maps.

Photo Gallery

American Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

Cave of the Winds Tour

Horseshoe Falls

Niagara Falls at Night

Niagara Falls in Winter

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Last Modified: Sunday, 21-May-2017 17:36:03 MDT.

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