Basford Falls

July 25, 2015

State: New York

Location: St Lawrence County

Height: 15'

Crest: 30+

Water Source: Grasse River

Waypoint: 44.34028N 75.05833W

Summary: A 15' slide on the Grasse River. This is last of 5 or more falls and rapids that can be found along an 8 mile stretch of Tooley Pond Road. This is a great waterfall adventure with a lot of variety in a relatively small area.

Basford Falls is a 15' slide on the Grasse River. There are two distinct drops, and depending on water levels, there can be multiple segments. It is not easy to see all the falls at once. The best view would probably be from the west bank, but there is a house there.

The falls is located along Tooley Pond Road, 1.5 miles south of its terminus at County Route 27. There is pair of red metal posts with a large rock by the side of the road marking the trailhead, plus a sign on a tree. The well defined trail to the falls is about a quarter mile long.

Nearby Falls

This is the last of a series of falls. Sinclair Falls is about a half mile upstream. The much larger Twin Falls is another mile beyond that. Rainbow Falls is 4 miles upstream, and Copper Rock Falls is 2.5 miles beyond that. The very large Lampson Falls is only 5 miles to the north along Country Route 27.

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Last Modified: Saturday, 08-Aug-2015 15:08:46 MDT.

Waterfalls Page