Pendleton Falls

May, 2004

State: West Virginia

Location: Davis

Height: 150+ cascade

Crest: 20

Water Source: Pendleton Run

Waypoint: 39.113N 79.502W

Summary: This waterfall is in Blackwater Falls State Park. Seeing this waterfall upclose requires a difficult descent into the gorge. A long distance view may be possible from the opposite side of the gorge.

Pendleton Falls is in Blackwater Falls State Park near Davis, West Virginia. This waterfall is the result of Pendleton Run tumbling into the Blackwater Gorge. The gorge is probably around 200 feet deep here, but the creek descends this in many different plunges. In general this cascade is not as steep as Elakala Falls but I believe it tends to have more water.

From Pendleton Point there is a very steep "trail" that descends into the gorge (see the picture below). The angle of descent is steeper than 45 degrees and requires clambering over a lot of rocks and roots. It is not for the faint of heart, especially when it has been raining. The trail reaches the creek just above the falls pictured above.

The trail continues up and down the falls. An interesting adventure that would take up most of the day is to work your way along the entire length of this waterfall. The cascade is about 1/4 mile long.

There is a look out on the opposite side of the gorge labelled as the Pendleton Falls lookout, but I could not see the falls from the lookout. I think I may have been looking in the wrong direction. There were some very friendly deer there. I am sure there is someplace from which you can view the entire falls from across the gorge.

Nearby Falls

Blackwater Falls is the hilight of the park. Elakala Falls is another large cascade that tumbles into the gorge. Swallow Falls and Muddy Creek Falls can be found in Maryland's Swallow Falls State Park 30 miles to the north.

Photo Gallery

A stretch of the cascade

A stretch of the cascade
Side view

The Sign

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Last Modified: Sunday, 27-Dec-2009 22:06:02 MST.

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