Stony Brook State Park is located off of NY 36, just off of I-390 by Dansville. It is not far from Letchworth State Park, and is a nice stop between Letchworth and Watkins Glen. The creek carries more water than most of the others in the area, and the park is one of the better waterfall destinations in western New York.
The Park has all sorts of activities and is quite popular and well visited. The gorge trail follows the creek from the lower park to the upper park. There are three main falls, plus several small ones.
The gorge trail is the handiwork of the WPA and features rock bridges, railings and stairways. The first falls you encounter is the lower falls. This is the most impressive of the waterfalls in the park.
The trail climbs up a stairway along side the lower falls. The middle falls is just a short distance beyond that. This is the shortest of the falls.
The trail continues past the middle falls. The trail gets rougher, and just becomes the creek bed in many places. The trail does not actually lead to the upper falls, but instead climbs up to the campgrounds. You can get a glimpse of the falls from the trail, but if you really want to see it you will have to go down into the creek. This is the only time you will have to get your feet wet. On the way to the upper falls you will pass the old supports of bridges that once spanned the gorge near the upper falls.
There are many other smalls falls in the park. At the mouth of the gorge there is a swimming area. Just below this is a 15' falls. There are several slides and a small drop below the lower falls. Upstream of the campground you can find three small falls by hiking up the creek. There is also a small side stream that has a number of small falls on it.
Nearby Falls
Sugar Creek Glen and Stones Falls are both in the Dansville area. Grimes Glen and Tannery Creek are about 30 miles to the east. Letchworth State Park is about 30 miles to the west. Buttermilk Falls State Park, Lucifer Falls, Taughannock Falls,Watkins Glen, She-Qua-Ga Falls, Eagles Nest, Hector and probably a hundred others are within an hour or two drive.
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