O Kun de Kun Falls

June 2015

State: Michigan

Location: Ontanagon County, north of Bruce Crossing

Height: 25

Crest: 30

Water Source: Baltimore River

Waypoint: 46.651498N 89.15161W

Summary: O Kun de Kun Falls is the wildest of several scenic falls in Ontanagon County. If you are looking for a nice hike and a chance to get away from crowds and fences, O Kun de Kun Falls is a must see. One of the few plunge falls around Lake Superior.

O Kun de Kun Falls is one of the largest of the waterfalls in Ontanagon county. It is not as large as Bond Falls or Agate Falls, but it is just as scenic and far wilder. It is a mile plus hike to O Kun de Kun Falls and there are no fences or signs. The waterfall is also unusual in that it is an actual plunge falls. Only a handful of the many waterfalls around Lake Superior are plunge falls. You can go behind the falls if you want, but you need to be careful and sure footed.

The trail head to the falls is located on the east side of US 45 about 8 miles north of Bruce Crossing. There are signs for the parking area. The trail to the falls is part of the North Country Trail. It is a 1.3 mile fairly level hike to the falls. Before you reach the main falls you will reach a smaller 10' plunge upstream. Keep going! The first time I tried to visit O Kun de Kun I stopped at the upper falls, thinking I had reached my destination. The real falls is just a short distance downstream. The trail crosses a suspsension bridge below the falls. If you have not gone far enough to see the bridge, keep going.

The width of the falls varies wildly depending on water levels. The Baltimore River can get pretty thin in summer months.

The waterfall is named after an Ojibway chief.

[Lake Superior] Nearby Falls

Agate Falls and Bond Falls are both within 20 miles to the south. Sturgeon Falls is 20 miles the east as the crow flies, but the drive is much longer. The North Country Trail will take you you to the Sturgeon River, but it is around 30 miles. If you go west on the North Country Trail, several days of hiking will eventually take you to the Porcupine Mountains.

Photo Gallery

June 2015

June 2015

September 2009

September 2009

The small upper falls

The small upper falls

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Last Modified: Monday, 27-Jun-2016 20:44:54 MDT.

Waterfalls Page