Minnehaha Falls

June 2005

State: Minnesota

Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul

Height: 53

Crest: 10

Water Source: Minnehaha Creek

Waypoint: 44.91472N 93.20972W

Summary: This urban waterfall is the centerpiece of a large city park in the Twin Cities. The falls is easy to visit. Minnehaha Falls is the waterfall of Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha"

Minnehaha Falls is located located in Minneapolis Minnesota. The falls is in Minnehaha Park, a large city park on the shores of the Mississipi River. The park includes picnic areas, trails, sculpture and the 53 foot falls. The park is located off of Hiawatha Ave (Route 55).

There is a bridge just above the falls, and trails that go down into the gorge on both sides, and another bridge below the falls. The trails continue along the creek. I believe you can follow the trail all the way to the Mississipi, which is less than 1/2 mile away from the falls.

There are viewing areas on both sides of the gorge and at the bottom of the gorge. There are warning signs and small fences to deter you from getting closer to the falls, but it is obvious that many people do. From the look of it you could get behind the falls.

Nearby Falls

St. Anthony's Falls is also located in Minneapolis/St. Paul. This was the only significant waterfall on the Mississippi and was once a major tourist attraction. However due to erosion, both natural and man-made, the falls started to collapse in 1869. They were artificially restored and protected but they lost all their natural beauty and now look man made.

Hidden Falls is a small waterfall that can be visited on the other side of the Mississippi. There is also a Shadow Falls, but I have not been able to find any pictures of it nor get a chance to try and visit it.

There are a fair number of other waterfalls within an hour's drive. Vermillion Falls is about 30 miles to the south east. Willow Falls is 35 miles to the west, and Cascade Falls is another 25 miles north of that that. All of these falls are the result of smaller rivers or creeks falling into the gorges of the much larger Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers. Hidden Falls in Nerstrand Big Woods State Park is 60 miles to the south.

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