Ludlow Falls

March 2010

Province: Ohio

Location: Miami County

Height: 15

Crest: 60

Water Source: Ludlow Creek

Waypoint: 39.9981N 84.3403W

Summary: A wide falls with a 15' plunge. It is hidden under a highway bridge, but is easy to visit if you know it is there. Very impressive when the water is flowing.

Ludlow Falls is located in the town of the same name. In most towns named 'Falls' you usually find a dam where there once was a waterfall, but Ludlow Falls still flows free. Accessing the falls is easy, but you could easily miss it if you are just passing by. The waterfall is directly under the bridge that carries Route 48 over the creek, and cannot be seen at all from the road.

There is park in town on the north side of the creek along Covington Avenue ( Route 55 ). From here it is a short walk down under the bridge to the falls. You can walk up to the edge of the falls. There is also an old stairway down into the gorge. You can also view the falls from the south side, but the views are obstructed by trees. The gorge is also much steeper, higher and more dangerous on this side.

In spring this waterfall is very impressive. Later in the year the falls can become segmented as the flow decreases. I do not know if they typically go dry in late summer.

Despite the bridge, this is a very scenic waterfall. In many ways it is more impressive than the much better advertised Greenville Falls.

Nearby Falls

The much smaller West Milton Falls is just 3 miles to the south. Greenville Falls is 10 miles to the north. Charleston Falls is about 30 miles to the south east.

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November 2010

November 2010

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