Fifth Falls

May 2017

State: Minnesota

Location: Gooseberry Falls State Park

Height: 15?

Crest: ?

Water Source: Gooseberry River

Waypoint: 47.14841N 91.47681W

Summary: The uppermost, and smallest of the waterfalls at Gooseberry Falls State Park. If pressed for a time, you might not want to walk the mile or so to see this small waterfall.

Fifth Falls can be found in Minnesota's Gooseberry Falls State Park. I am not sure why it is called Fifth Falls. The Lower, Middle and Upper Falls are clearly One, Two and Three, but there is no named Fourth Falls that I am aware of. There are are couple of larger rapids, one of which might be Fourth Falls.

The visitor center describes Fifth Falls as a place of quiet solitude, which apparently means that is not crawling with quite as many kids as the other three falls. In low water this is not a very impressive waterfall, but the surrounding rocks and potholes are interesting. The falls consists of several distinct drops spread out over a couple hundred feet.

It is a mile plus hike to this waterfall from the big falls downstream. There is a bridge over the river above the falls, creating a nice loop hike starting from from the lower falls, all the way up to Fifth falls and back again.

[Lake Superior] Nearby Falls

The Lower, Middle, and Upper are all in the same park. Heading north on Highway 61 you will find the High Falls of the Baptism River, the Illgen Falls, the Caribou Falls, Cross River Falls, the Upper Falls of the Brule River, and finally High Falls of the Pigeon River, plus many others along Minnesota's north shore.

Photo Gallery

August 2003

August 2003

Fourth Falls?

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Last Modified: Tuesday, 13-Jun-2017 21:10:00 MDT.

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