Nawadaha Falls

August 2001

State: Michigan

Location: Porcupine Mountains State Park, western end of the U.P.

Height: 15

Crest: 50-150

Water Source: Presque Isle River

Waypoint: 46.699N 89.974W

Summary: The third of the Presque Isle waterfalls. Manabezho Falls is the most scenic of the three, but it is an interesting if somewhat rugged walk up to Nawadaha falls.

Nawadaha Falls is the upper most of the three falls along the Presque Isle Rivers finally stretch. Until recently you had to walk along a rather rugged trail with lots of steep ups and downs, and there were no viewing platform for the falls. Sometime after 2001 they added a viewing platform and a short trail to the falls from behind the entrance station.

This is a low, wide waterfall. Its width varies greatly depending on the water levels. Nawadaha Falls is similar to but a little higher than Manido Falls. The steepest part of the falls is on the eastern side, and when the river is low, most of the water flows there. There is a nice natural overlook out in front of this drop easily reached from the trail on the east side of the river.

South Boundary Road is not to far beyond Nawadaha Falls. You can cross river here and hike down the other side to make a loop around all the Presque Isle Falls. The eastern side is much wilder, but the whole hike is very enjoyable.

It has been clear and sunny on my visits to Nawadaha Falls. In the afternoon the sun shines directly on and behind the falls, making it hard to get pictures from many angles.

[Lake Superior] [Porcupine Mountains] Nearby Falls

Manabezho Falls and Manido Falls are both downstream.

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