WaterFalls of Canada

Niagara Falls Montmorency Falls Churchill Falls Virginia Falls Sukunka Falls Thunderhouse Falls Brandywine Falls Aubrey Falls Pisew Falls Vaureal Falls Kakabeka Falls Agawa Falls Eugenia Falls Balls Falls High Falls Lady Evelyn Falls Grand Falls Rideau Falls Bridal Veil Falls Alexandra Falls Carcajou Falls Sandy Pond Falls Odegaard Falls Twin Falls Athabasca Falls Kinuseo Falls Smooth Rock Falls Hunt Falls Nistowiak Falls Wilberforce Falls Barrow Falls Yellowstone Falls Shoshone Falls Multnomah Falls Yosemite Falls Snoqualmie Falls Big Manitou Falls Shell Falls Sioux Falls Kaaterskill Falls Bushkill Falls Nevada Fall Latourell Falls Salt Creek Falls Fish Creek Falls Monument Falls Great Falls Bridal Veil Falls Smith Falls Glen Ellis Falls Burney Falls Ebner Falls

This map shows some of the regionally significant waterfalls in Canada. Canada is a big place and only a tiny fraction of its waterfalls are shown. The Geographical Names of Canada lists the names and locations of over 1700 waterfalls. Western Canada, particularly British Columbia, has many waterfalls, many of which are extremely large. Della Falls, Takakkaw Falls and Hunlen Falls are all over 300 meters high. Several other falls are also as high or nearly so. Alexandra Falls, and Virginia Falls in the far northwest are both around 100 meters wide, over 30 meters high, and north of the 60th parallel, making them true "Niagaras of the North". Churchill Falls in the far north east is also a large waterfall, although much of its water has been diverted for hydroelectric power.

The middle provinces are not so blessed with waterfalls. The 14.2 meter Kwasitchewan Falls is the highest waterfall in Manitoba. The 16 meter Hunt Falls is the highest waterfall in Saskatchewan.

The waterfalls that I have personally visited are displayed in bold. The following websites contain descriptions and pictures of many other Canadian waterfalls.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 01-Jan-2009 11:41:58 MST.