Little Clifty Falls

March 2006

State: Indiana

Location: Madison

Height: 60

Crest: 10

Water Source: Little Clifty Creek

Waypoint: 38.76667N 85.43417W

Summary: This is a nice waterfall when it has water, but it is impossible to get a good view of it from the rim trails. There are four named waterfalls in the park, and many more unnamed ones, but you will need to go trudging around in the gorges to get a good look of them all.

Little Clifty Falls is in Clifty Falls State Park. There are four waterfalls in the park and a dozen unnamed ones. Little Clifty Falls is right next to Big Clifty Falls.

From the rim trails, it is impossible to get a good view of this waterfall. A foot bridge cross right over the top of the falls, and you can get tree obscured views from either side. Trail #2 leads to the base of Big Clifty Falls, and Little Clifty Falls is just around the corner. There is a third seasonal, unnamed waterfall just below Little Clifty Falls.

Trail #2 is the creekbed. When the water is low you need not get your feet wet. Of course that is when the waterfalls are at their worst. When the waterfalls are at their best, the trail may be impassable.

Nearby Falls

Tunnel, Hoffman, and Big Clifty Falls are all in Clifty Falls State Park.

Photo Gallery

View from Trail #2, March 2006

Obscured View from Rim with lots of Water, June 2004

Unnamed Falls by Big and Little Clifty Falls

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Last Modified: Monday, 28-Nov-2011 15:31:42 MST.

Waterfalls Page