Big Run Falls

May 2015

State: Pennsylvania

Location: Sullivan County

Height: 15?

Crest: 10?

Water Source: Big Run

Waypoint: 41.3338N 76.33596W

Summary: A 15' roadside falls located in State Game Lands 13. This is a small waterfall, but it is located on the road between Ricketts Glen State Park and the wild and larger Sullivan Falls, Big Falls, Twin Falls and a number of others, so it makes a nice quick stop as part of a larger waterfall tour.

Big Run Falls is a 15' roadside falls located just west of Ricketts Glen State Park. There are much bigger falls nearby, but this one you can see from your car.

On the maps the road is named Jamison City Road, but the sign at Route 487 says "Sullivan Falls Road". I was actually looking for Sullivan Falls, but misread my notes and mistook this smaller falls for Sullivan Falls. This is a narrow forest road. It was in pretty good shape and easily handled by a car, but it in many places is too narrow for two cars. The stretch by the falls is one of those places. There is a small pull off area just upstream of the falls.

A big jumble of rocks has been piled up below the falls as an embankment for the road. To get to the base of the falls you would have to climb down these rocks, which did not look very safe.

The easiest way to visit this falls is to start from Ricketts Glen State Park. From the main park entrance, head north on Route 487 and take the first road on your left. This is just a few hundred feet north of the park, and the road sign says "Sullivan Falls Road". The falls will be on the right after 2 miles. The falls can also be reached from Route 118. The trick with this direction is that the road names on the maps do not seem to match the road names on the signs. Using the names on the maps, from Red Rock head 4.6 miles west and take Central Road north. Follow this winding road for about 1.7 miles and take a right onto Jamison City Road. Follow this road for 1.0 miles and take a right on to Market St. Cross the bridge and take a left, and drive 2.7 miles to the falls. Somewhere along the way the name of the road changes to Sullivan Falls Road.

Nearby Falls

The much larger 36' Sullivan Falls is a few hundred yards away. If you continue another quarter mile down the road there is a parking area on the right. From here you can hike up the stream to Sullivan Falls. If you continue another 1.3 miles you will reach a bridge. Cross the bridge and take the first right and continue another half mile (or as far as you trust your car) to the trailhead for Big Falls and Twin Falls. Several other wild waterfalls can be found on both Heberly Run and Sullivan Run. For the less adventurous, Ganoga Falls and the other 20 waterfalls of Ricketts Glen State Park are just a few miles away..

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Last Modified: Monday, 22-Jun-2015 19:56:42 MDT.

Waterfalls Page