Lower Beamer Falls

September 2006

Province: Ontario

Location: Grimsby

Height: 20

Crest: 10-40 (varies)

Water Source: 40 Mile Creek

Waypoint: 43.18357N 79.57245W

Summary: The lower falls is the wilder of the two waterfalls found at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area. A quick distant view of the falls is possible from the rim, but to really visiting this falls you need to hike up the stream. If you are pressed for time you may want to first explore some of the other nearby falls of the Niagara Escarpment.

Lower Beamer Falls is in the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area, near Grimsby Ontario. There is an upper and lower falls. The upper fall is easy to find and to visit. The lower falls requires a bit more work. Really visiting the lower falls is such a different experience than visiting the upper falls that I decided it merited its own page.

Exit the QEW at Christie Street. I do not recall seeing any signs for the conservation area from the road. Head south. Continue south (straight) when you reach the intersection with Main Street. You will now be on Mountain Road. Drive up the escarpment, and take the first left, which is Ridge Road. There is a sign for the conservation area at the corner of Mountain and Ridge. There are two parking areas for the conservation area. Follow Ridge over the bridge and take a right onto Quarry Road. There is a sign for the conservation area, which will be on your right. The viewing area for the upper falls is just before the bridge.

From the parking area a trail leads to an open picnic area with restrooms and maps. A trail leads down the escarpment and to the creek. From here you can walk your way up the creek. There is no trail, and you will probably have to cross the creek more than once.

In high water the falls is spreads across the entire ledge. Hiking up the stream may be treacherous in those conditions.

The remains of a snowmobile are lying near the base of the falls. You can find the oddest stuff in gorges.

[Hamilton Area] Nearby Falls

The Upper and Lower Beamer Falls are Niagara Escarpment WaterFalls. Devil's Punchbowl Falls is the closest falls to the west, and Balls Falls is the closest to the east.

Other Websites

See Mark Harris's Lower Beamer Falls page for more information.

Photo Gallery

Snowmobile Wreckage

View from Rim, April 2006

View from Rim, June 2003

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Last Modified: Monday, 17-Apr-2017 19:48:56 MDT.

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