Albion Falls

June 14, 2003

Province: Ontario

Location: Hamilton

Height: 69

Crest: 33

Water Source: Red Hill Creek

Waypoint: 43.20032N 79.81995W

Summary: A pretty waterfall, despite litter in the gorge, and worth visiting if you are in the Hamilton area. If you are pressed for time you may want to skip this one in favor of Webster Falls and Devil's Punchbowl Falls.

Albion Falls is in the Hamilton area, located in the southernmost tip of the King's Forest Park property. This is a roadside falls, along Mountain Brow Blvd. The road goes above the falls. You can park across the street from the falls. Getting down into the gorge is not hard. Like most of the other falls in the area, the Bruce Trail goes past Albion Falls.

In 2005 they began the construction on an expressway connecting the Lincoln M. Alexander Parkway and the QEW. The path of this expressway is roughly Red Hill Creek. The parking area that was near the falls no longer exists, and there currently does not seem to be any place near the falls to park. It appears some of the green space around the falls has been lost, but hopefully when the construction is completed it will be possible to visit the falls again.

Sadly, like some of the other falls in the area, there is a fair amount of garbage in the gorge, especially glass from broken beer bottles. There is the remains of a car a short distance downstream of the falls.

The Falls were supposedly the sight of a suicide, and are allegedly haunted. I do not know if the remains of the car I saw in the gorge are the remains of the light truck mentioned in the web page.

[Hamilton Area] Nearby Falls

This is another of the many Niagara Escarpment waterfalls. Webster Falls and Tews Falls are a short drive away. Devil's Punchbowl Falls, and Felker Falls are both in the Hamilton area.

Photo Gallery

June 14, 2003

June 14, 2003

June 14, 2003

The Car

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