Tews Falls

June 15, 2003

Province: Ontario

Location: Hamilton

Height: 134

Crest: 10? (varies greatly with flow)

Water Source: Logie's Creek (Fork of Spencer Creek)

Waypoint: 43.2815N 79.978W

Summary: When the water is flowing, this is an impressive waterfall. Unfortunately it tends to dry up in the summer. Fortunately it is right next to Webster Falls which seems to hold onto its water longer. Make sure you find out if Tews has any water before trying to hike to the base of Tews.

Tews Falls is in the Spencer Gorge/Webster's Falls Conservation Area. This is another of the many waterfalls found along the Niagara Escarpment, and is one of the highest. Tews Falls is the runner up for "The Most Improved Falls of 2003". In July of 2002 it was a thin trickle, barely even worth a picture. But in June of 2003, it was a beauty.

Tews Falls can be reached from Webster's falls via a 30 minute hike along the Bruce Trail, or by a 5 minute drive down Harvest Road to the Tews Falls parking area. See Webster Falls for directions. There is a view area at the top of the falls that can be easily reached from the parking area.

If you want to reach the base of the Falls, start at Webster Falls, and take the stairway down into the gorge, and follow the trail downstream. Spencer Creek tumbles its way through curves and rocks, providing lots to look at.

At the bottom of one of the cascades, the creek from Tews Falls enters Spencer's Creek on the far side. You will have to wade across the creek. Be careful, the currents are strong, and the rocks are hard on the feet. You can then walk up the east side of the creek to the base of Tews Falls. This is not a maintained trail, and the going is a bit rough at some points. Along the way you will pass the 10 foot high lower Tews Falls. The entire trip, from Websters Falls to the base of Tews falls, will take about one hour.

Here is a short movie of Tews Falls in January.

[Hamilton Area] Nearby Falls

Webster Falls is a short hike or drive away. Albion Falls, Devil's Punchbowl Falls, and Felker Falls are all in the Hamilton area.

Photo Gallery

Low Flow, Tews Falls July 2002

January 2005

Lower Tews Falls

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Last Modified: Monday, 17-Apr-2017 00:25:09 MDT.

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