WaterFalls of the Porcupine Mountains

[Lake Superior] [Michigan] [Gogebic County]
Manabezho Falls Nawadaha Falls Manido Falls Trap Falls Shining Cloud Falls Greenstone Falls Overlooked Falls Traders Falls Explorers Falls Trappers Falls Nokomis Falls Iagoo Falls Abinodji Falls Ogima Falls Nonesuch Falls

Michigan's Porcupine Mountains is one of the largest state parks in all the midwest. Located on the western edge of the U.P, the park contains nearly 60,000 acres of virgin forest on the shores of Lake Superior. The "mountains" stopped growing a long time ago and millions of years of erosion have worn them down. The highest point in the park is only 1300 feet above lake level. But the area is by no means flat, and as a result the park features a number of waterfalls. The largest and easiest to visit are the waterfalls on the Presque Isle River on the western edge of the park. Manabezho Falls is the most impressive of these. These falls are all just a relatively short walk from your car.

Most of the other falls in the park are rather small, but they offer great opportunities for adventure as they are all far from any road. The 22' high Shining Cloud Falls is the most impressive of the backcountry falls, but visiting it requires at least a 8 mile hike one way over rough trails.

Lake of the Clouds is one of the more popular and scenic sites in the park. It is not a waterfall, but it is a lovely view. Here are some other non-waterfall pictures from the park

The Escarpment Trail

The Big Carp River below Lake of the Clouds

Lake of the Clouds

View from Escarpment

Mirror Lake

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Last Modified: Friday, 26-Dec-2008 10:16:51 MST.