Valley Falls

August 2012

State: West Virginia

Location: 10 miles south east of Fairmont.

Height: 20+

Crest: Varies

Water Source: Tygart River

Waypoint: 39.3870N 80.0879W

Summary: Located in Valley Falls State Park, the Tygart River tumbles over two wide ledges, each around 10 feet high, followed by a long series of rapids.

Valley Falls is a pair of wide, 10 foot high drops on the Tygart River. They are located in Valley Falls State Park. The river is several hundred feet wide above the first drop, and narrows to about 150 feet at the second drop. When the water is high, the falls will also be this wide, but probably drowned all together. In lower water levels the falls are segmented. The Tygart river carries a lot of water, and the falls run year round.

The falls are located about 10 miles south east of Fairmont West Virginia. Take Route 310. This is a narrow and winding road, which is pretty typical for West Virginia. The turn off of 310 to the park is signed, but easy to miss.

The river and falls are popular with kayakers. The day we visited a half dozen kayakers were playing in the falls.

Nearby Falls

Moats Falls, another 10+' drop on the Tygart River is about 15 miles upstream, as the crow flies. There are a number of other smaller drops on the Tygart river. Wonder Falls on Big Sandy Creek is a 50 mile drive away. Blackwater Falls is an 80 mile drive.

Photo Gallery

Right side of first drop Right side of first drop

Left side of first drop

Second drop

Kayaker going over the second drop

A rapids downstream

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Last Modified: Sunday, 02-Apr-2017 14:47:54 MDT.

Waterfalls Page