Torrent Falls

May, 2003

State: Kentucky

Location: Torrent Kentucky, just south of Natural Bridge State Park

Height: 165?

Crest: 15?

Water Source:

Waypoint:: 37.747N 83.6625W

Summary: If you are visiting Natural Bridge State Park or are in the Red River Gorge area in the spring, drive by and see the water fall. The climbing adventure looks like it might be fun.

Torrent Falls is located alongside KY 11, just south of Natural Bridge State Park. I am not sure that the pictured falls is the Torrent Falls. I have seen pictures of different waterfalls that claimed to be Torrent Falls, so it is possible that the official Torrent Falls is elsewhere. This waterfall is part of Torrent Falls Resort (who claim that their 165 foot fall is the tallest in Kentucky, despite Yahoo's claim).

I believe this waterfall is often dry. The above picture was taken after a couple days of rain. The stream has been diverted below the falls and vanishes into a culvert.

Torrent Falls Family Climbing Adventure is an outdoor climbing experience, based on the European sport called Via Ferrata. You get to climb around the rock face and even under the waterfall (assuming it is not dry).

The day I was there the place was closed. I do not know if you normally have to pay to go look at the falls. You can easily see it from the road.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Oct-2009 19:40:09 MDT.

Waterfalls Page