Temperance River Gorge

The Temperance River Gorge is in Temperance River State Park is on Minnesota's North Shore, between Schroeder and Lutsen. The Temperance River carves out a narrow and twisted quarter mile long gorge shortly before it empties into Lake Superior. You can walk around the rim of the gorge, climb down into it, and in some places you can even go swimming if you are daring (foolhardy) enough.

The park includes a campground, and hiking and rock climbing opportunities, but for waterfall enthusiasts the gorge trail will be the highlight.

There is a bridge a short way into the gorge. Beyond the bridge you can walk on either side of the gorge. Before the bridge is a fascinating series of potholes, shortly above Hidden Falls. Hidden Falls, as the name suggests, is in a deep narrow part of the gorge, and is difficult to see, let alone get a picture of.

There a several small falls along the length of the gorge. The largest of them is pictured below. At the far end of the gorge is another waterfall, with a drop of 10 feet or so. Beyond that the river is strewn with rocks, and if the water is low enough you can cross the river without getting your feet wet.

The gorge seems to be a popular place with the local thrill seekers. Right near the mouth of the gorge there is a cliff to jump off of into the river below. If that is not crazy enough for you, you can jump into one of the pot holes above Hidden Falls, and then jump off of Hidden Falls. Look carefully at the picture on the right and you you see the guy getting ready to jump over the falls. Ahh, to be young and stupid again.

[North Shore] Nearby Falls

Gooseberry Falls, High Falls of the Baptism River, Cross Falls , Devil's Kettle Falls, and High Falls of the Pigeon River are all on Minnesota's North Shore.

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