Bridal Veil Falls

June 2008

State: Oregon

Location: Columbia River Gorge

Height: 140?

Crest: 30?

Water Source: Bridal Veil Creek

Waypoint: 45.555N 122.17972W

Summary: Bridal Veil Falls is another of the many waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge, and another of the many waterfalls named "Bridal Veil". This waterfall is much wider than many of its neighbors, and requires more of a walk, but it is well worth the effort.

Bridal Veil Falls is another of the many waterfalls along the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway. This one differs from its neighbors in a couple of ways. First it is below the highway. Unlike Latourell Falls, Wahkeena Falls and Multnomah Falls, which are all visible from the road, the highway crosses above Bridal Veil Falls. The bridge can be seen in the photo above. Secondly, and perhaps related, this is a much wider waterfall with a much larger volume of water.

Seeing this waterfall requires a bit more work than some of its neighbors, but it is not hard. Park at the Bridal Veil parking area, which is about 2 miles east of Latourell Falls and 4 miles west of Multnomah Falls. A trail leads down into the gorge, ending at a viewpoint in front of the falls. You can scramble down to the base of the falls to get an even closer look if you wish. The falls is supposed to be visible from I-84 also.

The sun was setting when I visited Bridal Veil Falls, so the light was not great for photos.

With all the waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge odds are that one would be named "Bridal Veil". Surprisingly I am not aware of a "Rainbow Falls" in the Gorge.

Nearby Falls

There are a lot of waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge. A 10 mile drive will take you past Latourell Falls, Wahkeena Falls, Multnomah Falls, Oneonta Falls, Horsetail Falls, and many others.

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