Beaver Falls

September 2005

Province: Ontario

Location: 21km east of Heyden

Height: 45?

Crest: ?

Water Source: Northland Creek

Waypoint: 46.73N 84.13342W

Summary: This is a small and remote roadside fall. If you are visiting the Goulais River or Searchmont it is worth a stop, but otherwise it is a bit out of the way, and given that it is on private property, there is not much to do there. The scenery is lovely.

Beaver Falls is a remote roadside waterfall. It is located on the south side of Highway 556 about 21 km east of Highway 17. There is not much out there except some homes and cottages and plenty of lovely scenery. The Searchmont ski resort is a few kilometres past the waterfall. The waterfall is a result of the creek tumbling into the gorge of the large and still wild Goulais River.

The waterfall is on private property, or so I am told. I actually did not see any signs. You can get a nice, but limited, view of the falls from the road. The falls consists of several drops, the highest of which is mostly obscured. There is a house hidden up in the trees to the left of the waterfall. Presumably those are the owners.

The creek goes under the highway through a culvert. Because of this it is quite easy to drive right pass without ever seeing the creek or the falls.

The creek flows into the Goulais river, which is visible from the road. The Goulais has carved out an impressive gorge, creating some lovely scenery which you can admire while driving on Highway 556. In 2003 the Goulais River Provincial Park was created. This is a waterway park, but there are hiking trails along the river as well, and apparently "fantastic waterfalls" I imagine any creek that flows into the Goulais has a good chance of having a waterfall but I have not found any information about any such falls other than Beaver Falls. The 65 kilometre canoe route from Witchdoctor Lake to Searchmont has 23 portages. I do not know how significant are any of the rapids or falls on the main river.

The falls faces north. When I was there the sun was behind the falls, creating a less than ideal lighting situation.

[Lake Superior] Nearby Falls

This is a remote waterfall. 21km west takes you back to Highway 17, where you can head north for another 20km to see Chippewa Falls or 20km south to see Crystal Falls. There are supposedly other waterfalls in the Goulais River valley, but I do not know any specifics. Here is a brief mention of some waterfalls on the Goulais at (which is a really cool idea).

Other Websites

I found out about Beaver Falls from Mark Harris's Waterfalls of Ontario. He had much better lighting and more water for his photos.

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Goulais River Valley

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